Saturday, September 26, 2009

Randy Pausch's Last Lecture

Randy Pausch's Last Lecture: Really Achieving your Childhood Dream

WOW! This is the best lecture I have ever heard! Randy Pausch is soooooo inspiring! I still am amazed at how much I was able to learn from that 1 hour! I feel like any comments I could make wouldn't give his lecture any justice! All I can say is "WOW"!

First off he talked about having the fundamentals to work with and not get too far ahead of what your wanting to achieve, take one step at a time. He also said reaching your dream or goal takes hard work. Randy said, "Brick Walls are there for a reason: They let us prove how badly we want things." I loved this saying, we shouldn't give up at the first, second, or third road block that we come to, if you want it bad enough you are likely to achieve it. It might take a lot of dedication, but in the end it will be so worth it.

He also said don't sell ourselves or others too short. When we do that we won't push ourselves to our maximum potential. He said the best way to learn something is to have someone think they are learning something else. I think this is true, if a child is learning how to play a sport that is fun to them, they will enjoy it while learning character skills, sportsmanship, interaction, and self discipline.

One of my favorite things he talked about was having FUN! Being a kid at heart and enjoy everything you're doing. I often forget this in my daily routine of working and coming home to daily household chores. I've always been a person that wants to enjoy every moment, but when you get caught up in our daily routine you forget.

I definitely believe in helping others as he talks about in this lecture. He states that, "You can't get there alone, and I believe in Karma." I do think that if you genuinely care for and help others, the favor will be returned more than you can imagine. Others are more willing to help if you have helped them. It all works together in a cycle. I think that telling the truth and apologizing when your wrong all goes hand in hand with karma.

He says to get feedback about yourself and listen to it and use it. It will help you grow in a positive way as a person. This self-reflection shows that you value others opinions that you may not see as a flaw. We should also show gratitude to others for what they do to help and let them know that you appreciate them. It's nice when someone acknowledges your hard work. Randy also says not to complain, just work harder. As a self-reflection, I need to work on this one. Then goes on to say, "Find the best in everybody; no matter how long you have to wait for them to show it." This can be so hard to do, but it shows that everyone does have some good to them.

He shared how to live life having fun and doing hard work to reach your dreams. To find more information about this inspiring man go to the following sites:

TIME Magazine
ABC News

Randy Pausch also has a book called, "The Last Lecture".

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