Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What I've Learned this Year!

1. Before I started EDM 310, I thought I would be learning how to work in Word, Powerpoint, and Excel. Which I already knew about, I thought this class was going to be a breeze! BOY WAS I WRONG!!! Even though I hated doing all of the long hours of homework everyweek and how much time it took away from my family, I think that I learned sooooo much! Most everything that I learned, I hadn't a clue about it when I started. I feel that I have a well rounded knowledge of the use of most of the technology information studied this semester.

I really got the most out of the blogs, I saw so many uses for it when I teach and in my personal life. I'm glad to know that wiki isn't a super reliable source, I had never heard of wiki before this class. However I do see uses for the wiki in the classroom, if used properly. I do find Google Docs helpful for the classroom, my students could use this for class projects to make sure everyone's has a program that can work together. I had a refresher with the spreadsheet, I haven't used it in a long time, so it was to learn about it again. My husband and I used the Excel spreadsheet to keep up with our budget, it's much easier now that I have been refreshed on how it works. I didn't care much about listening to podcast and videocasts, but I can appreciate the use for them in education. I liked the idea of communicating with other students across the country, I think there are great benefits for students and teachers. I'm so glad I had to make an account for iTunes and Skype, I plan on using them in the future.

I appreciate technology much more than I previously did. I see how important it is now to stay as updated with new technology, it's always changing. There are so many beneficial uses for technology in the classroom.

2. We didn't go over Picasa, so I'm a bit curious about it. I love art, so I wonder if it has anything to do with that.

3. PLN is the only thing that I didn't enjoy, I didn't get it. I attempted it, but didn't get any response. I just don't like it, I feel that I can get what I need from other teachers that I will be teaching from or that I know from other schools.

4. It did actually excite me, especially when I watched Randy Pausch's Last Lecture, I think that it was the best thing that I have been able to listen to in a long long time. I also am excited to use blogging and iTunes in my personal life as well as when I teach. I am much more interested and excited to learn knew technology now.

5. Maybe the PLN, it was very hard t accomplish this task!

6. Never could get bored in this class!

7. I would discuss what a PLN is, but let it be a personal choice if they do it.

8. I think that I am Medium to Good with my Technologically Literacy. I think I can definitely improve at what I have been taught!

9. Well I've already graduated, I'm in this class to keep my certificate up to date. I plan to go back to teaching in several years. I plan to search the Internet periodically to see what new technology is out there and research information about it.

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